Nacht ohne Sterne (by Gesa Schwartz)

Title: Nacht ohne Sterne (Night without stars)
Author: Gesa Schwartz
My Rating: 5/5

Goodreads Synopsis: 
Die 16-jährige Naya ist Tochter einer Elfe und eines Menschen. Ein Mischwesen, das keine Magie zu beherrschen scheint und sich weder der geheimnisvollen Elfenwelt New Yorks noch der Welt der Menschen gänzlich zugehörig fühlt. Ihr bester Freund Jaron ist ein Lichtelf, der New York vor den Machenschaften der Dunkelelfen bewahren soll. Doch dann wird Naya mitten hinein gezogen in den jahrhundertealten Krieg zwischen den beiden Völkern. Und als sie den Dunkelelf Vidar kennenlernt, wird all ihr bisheriges Wissen auf den Kopf gestellt. Welche Ziele verfolgt Jaron, welche Geheimnisse verbirgt Vidar? Wem kann sie trauen? Naya muss auf ihr Herz hören, doch das ist leichter gesagt als getan ... 


First of all, I would like to say that this book is only for the Germans readers of my blog. If you can't speak German, you can't read this great book, because as it stands there is no English version of It. That's the reason why I only got a german Synopsis from Goodreads. I'm really sorry that all the Not german Speakers can't read this book because It is truly a masterpiece. I am recommending It to everyone who loves reading romance and Fantasy books and who loves Beautiful relationships. 

    What I liked: 

  • The friendship between Naya and Jaron was absolutly Beautiful and tragic. I really liked Jaron and shipped them in the beginning until Vidar showed up . I am a sucker for complex characters and bad Boys that is the only reason why I liked Vidar more than Jaron. If Vidar would have been a normal guy with no specialties I would have liked Jaron more than him. 
  • I loved the complex relationship between Vidar and Naya. Vidar was this mysterious guy who just showed up on her balcony one day and Naya was this sleeping Beauty with more power than she thought she had and Vidar saw this. He never underestimated her and he Always loved her. I adored the Little Moments between them. Especially when they were carefree for a moment. 
  • Rosa the Little sassy fairy stole my heart.
  • The Little backstory between Varkon and Asdya was so good. I nearly cried while reading It. Especially at the end. When you read the book already, you will know what I mean. I don't want to write spoilers :-) .
  • Ashar was the best Sidekick ever.

   What I didn't like:

  • Nothing I literally liked the whole book. That's why the book has 5/5 stars

I am recommending the book to Fantasy and romance Lovers. People who liked The Lord of the rings and who liked the elves should read this book.

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