Witch Born (by Nicholas Bowling)
Title: Witch Born
Author: Nicholas Bowling
My Rating: 4/5 stars
Goodreads Synopsis:
It's 1577. Queen Elizabeth I has imprisoned scheming Mary Queen of Scots, and Alyce's mother is burned at the stake for witchcraft. Alyce kills the witchfinder and flees to London - but the chase isn't over yet. As she discovers her own dark magic, powerful political forces are on her trail. She can't help but wonder: why is she so important? Soon she finds herself deep in a secret battle between rival queens, the fate of England resting on her shoulders…
I came to the conclusion that I am obsessed with books that play in a different time (historical fiction) even though I haven't read many books in that Genre, I seem to love every book I read that IS in that Genre. When this Beautiful book showed up in our local book store, I just couldn't not buy It. The first Thing I noticed was the Beautiful cover that decorated the book. It was dark red with a golden Crown and a black raven on top of It. The beginning of the title was also written in a goldish Colour but the rest of It was written in red. It matched the Background Colour of the book perfectly. Of Course I don't buy a book because of It's Colour (A perfect example for that is the book I put back on the same day because I didn't like how the Story sounded but I really liked the cover. It was stunning) but I buy a book because of It's Story. When I first read the blurb on the backside of the book, I was uncertain about It. Witchborn was one of the first books I read that played In a different time but still was a Fantasy Story so I wasn't sure if that Genre was something I would enjoy reading. I'm sure I read the blurb like Five times and still wasn't sure if I should buy It so I opened the book and read the first pages. That was the Point where I decided to buy the book. It had a Beautiful cover, a good sounding blurb (I just wasn't sure if the Genre was enjoyable for me to read but the backside blurb sounded really good) and a good beginning.
What I liked:
I liked how the Lovestory of the book wasn't in the Focus of the actual Story but the Things that happened around It were in the Focus of the Story. In the backside blurb you don't even get to read something about the Lovestory and that was something i think is really unusual because when I read books with Lovestorys in It they are usually in the Focus and they are mentioned in the text on the backside. So basically the Lovestory was happening around the actual Story and not the actual Story around the Lovestory.
I think Nicholas Bowling did a good Job with the Research for the book. When I read the It I felt like I was in the year 1577 and not in the year 2019. Besides that I think he also did a good Job in writing this Story. I was able to get along very well with her Situation and how she was Feeling. I wasn't just reading the Story. I lived in It and felt It.
What I also liked was how the Lovestory was structured. The Author didn't write It like "Hey there are two People liking each other let them marry each other" you know? He gave them time to fall in love and develop their relationship without actually being in a relationship at first. Some Authors just let their character be together way too fast but He didn't and that was something I really liked.
The ending was written really well. I love cliffhanger endings and endings that let you wait for the Sequel. (Which in fact I do. I have the Feeling that there will be a Sequel and if not I will personally sue Nicholas Bowling :-) )
What I didn't like:
The Story of Hopkins was really tedious for me but I think that was kind of my fault because I was so focused on the Story of Alyce that I just wanted to skip the Story of Hopkins so I could continue reading hers. I don't know, maybe I am the only one thinking that. Comment below if you read the book and didn't like the Story of Hopkins too.
I can't find anything else because I thought the book was amazing besides the Story of Hopkins. Fans of good Lovestorys, history fiction, Fantasy and witches should read this book ASAP.
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